Monday, April 26, 2010

A Realization

Hey guys :)
So, for awhile I've been pretty addicted to my follower count.
I've striven to be a 'popular' nail blogger.. bringing me back to pre-junior high maturity level.
So, today I realized that instead of trying to please prospective followers, I really should just give my all to provide a good, entertaining nail resource for my current followers. There are a hundred and three of you, and I appreciate all of you, thanks for reading my blog.

So, answer the poll on the right, and comment with any requests you may have!

Thank you all so much, you guys are great!


Unknown said...

I think the most helpful things (and probably most time consuming) are comparison pics. Loooove blogs that have really good comparison pics.

BTW, thanks for your UO review the other day....sooooo not tempted by those anymore, thank heavens!

Bria said...

I wish I could, but my stash isn't big enough!
I try not to get any repeat colors, so I have no colors to compare unfortunately.

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