I would officially like to present the (not) Official Harry Potter NP Collection!
Overall I am very satisfied with these polishes.. some turned out to be a tad tricky to apply, and some were very different from my original idea.. but I'm satisfied.
In no particular order:
Wherefore Art Thou Werewolf
My first shade :) WATW is a rich, chocolate brown with a gold shimmer and a small amount of rainbow microglitter. This is two coats, no b/c or t/c.
I love this color, though I'm not sure how I feel about it on me. Duddykins is a warm coral cream leaning a bit towards the orange side. This picture is almost exactly color accurate, except that Duddykins is just a tad warmer in person. This is three coats, but you could get away with two if you were careful. No b/c or t/c.
Half-Moon Spectacles
One of my favorites, Half-Moon Spectacles is a very pretty gray/blue/lavender sheer. It showed up more blue in this picture, but it has hints of purple in there as well. However, it is very sheer and does require three coats. No b/c or t/c.
Lily's Eyes
Amazingly, this is only three coats. This is probably one of the sheerest polishes I own, so those three coats were a tad thick. I think it's worth it for the color though- An almost seafoam green with a (unseen in the picture) subtle gold/yellow flash. No b/c or t/c in this picture.
Catch My Mad-Eye
My favorite name- though I can't take the credit for it. My friend came up with this name while she was helping me brainstorm polishes. Catch My Mad-Eye is an electric blue jelly, with a (extremely) subtle dark blue shimmer. The color is a tad darker IRL, along the lines of OPI's SSFS. This is 2 coats, no b/c or t/c in this pic.
Stupefy Me
I have to admit, I'm running out of commentary. Stupefy Me is a great tomato red with a jelly(ish) finish. Like pretty much every other color, this also has a really subtle flash- an orange one, in this case. Two coats, no b/c or t/c in this picture.
The Chosen One
I apologize in advance for any blindness or mental scarring due to the messiness and grossness of my cuticles in this picture. I kind of lost patience with many nice, neat little swatches.. so I just slapped this one on. A black jelly with green/gold glitter, this went on very nicely. Two coats, no b/c or t/c.
Meet Me At Zonkos
The only one that was really different from my original listings, MMAZ is a crazy green, blue, silver & purple glitter. This picture is two coats over Wet N' Wild Black. I believe you could have it by itself with a few thick coats, but I didn't have the patience to do that today :) No b/c or t/c in this picture.